Thread veins and haemangiomas

Otherwise known as telangiectasia, these are tiny, superficial red, blue or purplish blood vessels often caused by sun exposure, wind, extreme temperatures, steroids, hormonal changes and radiotherapy. They range from tiny threads to larger blue/purple veins. If left untreated, vessels may enlarge and become increasingly unsightly. The veins can appear in clusters, called spider naevi,…

Scarring and stretch marks

Scars, acne scars or stretch marks affect the way that many people feel about their appearance. Certain types of scar can be improved with the Regenlite™ laser with very little discomfort or side effects from the treatment. Because the laser stimulates wound healing, it cannot be used on hypertrophic or keloid scars.


Rosacea is a very common skin condition affecting about 10% of the population. It causes reddening of the face often in conjunction with thread veins and can lead to significant psychological distress. It usually affects the mid-face, but the forehead, jaw line, chest and back can be involved. The condition can start with flushing in…

Port-wine stains

Port-wine stains are red or purple marks, usually present from birth and are often on the face. They vary from a few millimetres to many centimetres. If left untreated, port-wine stains tend to darken over time. The overlying skin is smooth and flat at first, but by middle age the skin can become thickened and…


The colour of our skin ranges from light pink to very dark. The colour is a result of melanin in the skin and the amount of pigmentation we have is determined by our sex and family background. Melanin is important in protecting the skin from the sun’s rays. Irregular pigmentation, including sun spots, can be…

Ageing Skin

Ageing Skin is, unfortunately inevitable. Even if we only experience casual sun exposure over our lives, skin quality begins to deteriorate in the middle to late 20s. However, skin ageing is influenced by many factors, and the appearance of damaged skin can be improved. Lines and wrinkles are a part of the natural skin ageing…


Acne is a very common inflammatory disorder of the skin. It affects a large proportion of teenagers, and many adults too. It is a distressing condition that can persist for many years and can leave behind both physical and psychological scars. There is a vast range of treatments for acne from simple over-the-counter lotions to…